On the day Rajnikanth's Raana went to floors, a grand media meet was held in Chennai in which director K S Ravikumar, actress Deepika Padukone, producer Soundarya Rajinikanth, cinematographer Rathnavelu among others took part.
Speaking at the meeting, Ravikumar said, everything is grand about the movie and we started shooting on Friday with the likes of vetreran filmmakers like K Balachander, Panchu Arunachala, S P Muthuraman among others taking part. He said, 'Rajini personally invited them for muhurrat''.
He further said, ' a song sequences involving Deepika Padukone was being shot at AVM. The movie Rajinikanth's first period film., Hence due care is being given to shape it up well'.
It has a global appeal and triple Rajni will delight fans'
On her part, Soundarya Rajinikjanth said, ' the movie is a dream come true experience for her. It would be made using cutting edge technology'.
Speaking at the meeting, Ravikumar said, everything is grand about the movie and we started shooting on Friday with the likes of vetreran filmmakers like K Balachander, Panchu Arunachala, S P Muthuraman among others taking part. He said, 'Rajini personally invited them for muhurrat''.
He further said, ' a song sequences involving Deepika Padukone was being shot at AVM. The movie Rajinikanth's first period film., Hence due care is being given to shape it up well'.
It has a global appeal and triple Rajni will delight fans'
On her part, Soundarya Rajinikjanth said, ' the movie is a dream come true experience for her. It would be made using cutting edge technology'.
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