Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, who will represent India and the global luxury brand Chivas Regal at the Festival de Cannes, 2011, has also recently bought the rights for a French comic and is looking forward to transforming it into a truly commercial Hindi movie.
Saif Ali will walk the haloed red carpet at the Cannes festival along with Bollywood actresses like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor, Mallika Sherawat and Freida Pinto as well as a galaxy of Hollywood and international superstars.
Speaking about his French comic endeavour, the name of which he isn't ready to divulge yet, Saif told a news daily that he wants to make an Indianised commercial movie out of it as the comics for kids are very commercial. He will start thinking about it after finishingAgent Vinod.
Junior nawab has also finished shooting for director Prakash Jha's Aarakshan and both films are set to release this year.
Saif Ali will walk the haloed red carpet at the Cannes festival along with Bollywood actresses like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor, Mallika Sherawat and Freida Pinto as well as a galaxy of Hollywood and international superstars.
Speaking about his French comic endeavour, the name of which he isn't ready to divulge yet, Saif told a news daily that he wants to make an Indianised commercial movie out of it as the comics for kids are very commercial. He will start thinking about it after finishingAgent Vinod.
Junior nawab has also finished shooting for director Prakash Jha's Aarakshan and both films are set to release this year.
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