Ajith fans greeted their favourite star a happy birthday on 1 May with mixed emotions. The Mankatha star chose to celebrate the day in a quiet manner before announcing that he is dissolving his fans club on the day.
Apparently vexed at his fans association being used as bait for political gain by the political parties , the actor chose to take the decision. While many hail this a great decision taken at the interest of his fans, a few said they were pained by it.
Our Thala does anything after a deep thought. He set an example for others actors recently by shedding Ultimate Star tag. Now by dissolving his association, he has yet again proved how an actor should be and what his job is, say Feroze, an avid Ajithfan.
However Tamilanban, another die-hard fan says, ' whatever other says, we are strongly behind our star. It pains to see him taking such drastic step. We carry good work in his name'.
Meanwhiloe, who's whop of Tamil cinema greeted Ajithkumar on his 40th birthday and conveyed their wishes. Known for his straightforward and no-nonsense approach, Ajith has won the admiration of many in the industry.
He is down-to-earth, polite and friendly. he had no backing and rose to stardom with his hardwork, many say.
Director Venkat Prabhu, who is wielding the megaphone for Ajith's forthcoming film Mankatha released a teaser trailer of the movie and wished a happy birthday on behalf of the whole crew of Mankatha.
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