Thursday, 16 June 2011

Pooja Gandhi interview

In quick span of four years the lucky heroine in Kannada cinema with 30 films to her credit Pooja Gandhi has taken sudden affection and satisfaction from meeting the social causes.
The sympathy Pooja Gandhi is showing and care she is extending to ‘HIV children and Sex workers’ deserves appreciation.

Pooja Gandhi has the top credit card in her professional career. She is the heroine in the history best collected film ‘Mungaru Male’ that was released in end of 2006.

In an exclusive chat after the Kannada and Tulu film ‘Beere Dever Poonja’ at Green House Raj Milan the most sought after actress spoke at length.

Here are the excerpts of an interview to        

Q. Off late you are traveling a lot? What is the purpose behind it?

Pooja:  I am a part of the HEROES evolved to eradicate HIV in children as for as possible and give a new life to the sex workers campaign conducted by a few of the NGO’s. That keeps me busy and I need to travel.

Q. You are seeing a transformation in your life?

Pooja:  Yes. I turn very emotional when HIV children. They are not at mistake. Yet they face the most difficult trauma. In places far off from Bangalore – Bagalkot, Jamakhandi and Mangalore I took part in the campaigns. When I saw babies of eight months to 15 years children affected with AIV AIDS I go very sad.

Q.  What sort of transformation you have seen in your life?

Pooja: Now I believe more in practicality in life. I was go lucky and having fun in life. That has come down and I have stopped shopping for me. My mother gets me the basic needs and I am not for ultra modern style. My mind has diverted to more simplicity.

Q. You are spending some portion of your filmy remuneration to such causes?

Pooja: I am doing from quite a long time. I celebrate my birthday with the HIV affected children. I took 50 plus children in Mangalore to a water park. I am offering a portion of my income to destitute. I was happy in getting a medical seat to a poor girl who wanted to study MBBS.

Q. Why you do not take publicity for such good work?

Pooja: I don’t want. Now that you are asking with some concern I am telling you. When people in limelight do such work out of crystal clear mind the media sometime attach that we are gaining publicity from such work.

Q. Are you hurt in any particular case?

Pooja: One of the newspapers wrote by saying that I am taking commission in getting MBBS seat to a deserving girl student. Why should I indulge in such things? I felt very bad and was upset such reports.
Now the media says you might contest for elections after sometime with such care for HIV affected children and protection to sex workers…I am not for politics. I do not want to contest or nominated. In my given earning and ability I would definitely take up good work.

Q. Do you have anything in particular in mind?

Pooja: I am consulting like minded people in getting alternative jobs to sex workers in Karnataka. In addition to it shelter and ration card that could get rice at Rs.3 per Kilogram is also in the agenda. There are lakhs of such sex workers in the state.

Q. They will be alright in life according to you?

Pooja: What happens is that they do not indulge in such work and second the generations to come they will have alternative arrangement to lead life instead of becoming sex workers.

Q. With all such work in the social arena you are slowing down in films?

Pooja: That is partly true. As of now I have not signed many films. I am not that much interested in other language films.

Q. What are the film ready?

Pooja: Nee Raani Naa Maharani in which I play double role for the first time is ready to hit the screen. It is Kannada film of yesteryears ‘Rani Maharani’ updated version by director B Ramamurthy. I have finished shoot for Aptha, Nee Illadhe and Suhasini and Beere Dever Poonje is in the half way.

Q. You are dubbing for your roles nowadays?

Pooja: But somebody should be there in the dubbing. I want someone to correct me where I go wrong.

Q. You are nearing 30 in your life….I don’t mean your age?

Pooja: You ask me I will tell you my age. I am 27 today. My lucky number is seven. I have finished 29 films in Kannada.

Q.  Are the people here are prompt pay masters?

Pooja: I have not got payment for five Kannada films. I worked in such films on friendship basis. That has to be done sometime in the profession.

Q. You were a good student in college days?

Pooja: In studies I was average. I have changed five schools. I finished first year B.Com.

Q.  How about marriage in life?

Pooja: Time will come I will tell you.

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